Monday, November 21, 2011

Having a holiday sale over on Paper Tapir! Fun times.

Had a great time at the MCBA Book Festival.
Working on some new concepts and doing mock ups.
Winter is here, sort of, though today the snow was melting today at 7pm so who knows!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Raptors Doodle Do

I drew this rooster during my shift at the bookstore for Ashby's new comic Raptors, written by Jeremy Zoss. It's fantastic, and did great at MIX this year as a preview.

Ashby's work is wonderful along side the writing of Jeremy. Their work melds into the slightly skewed world of a ptsd war vet as a really visually stunning and emotionally charged piece.

Looking forward to the rest! The cover of Raptors was done by my friend/co-awesome Caitlin Skaalrud, bonus art is the above and from Bart King!