Monday, December 12, 2011

More Free Hand Inking and Colors


Did this one during the last class that I've been helping in. A lot of really good work went up today. Makes me want to draw regular comics again!

I think it'd be fun to screenprint some of these ink drawings but I'd really have to refine the edges. Every time the brush gets pulled up and I adjust levels after scanning things get a little fuzzy. It became very obvious after trying to color the green part. Also have to dig around for extra ink cartridges, out of ink, lines getting progressively furrier.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Free hand inking again

Still not doing fantastic in the health department. More free hand inks. Animals lend themselves to swirly things. Roosters especially.
I dunno about this, it was going to be a bird, then it got away from me a little.
Tiger! He's a little lumpy...
Straight inked rooster, sadly he was smooshed on the side of one of my pages so he didn't get as much body in the back as I would have liked, also the top suffered a little too.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ink Drawings 2

Second one. This sheet didn't get broken up because there weren't a bunch of plushie sketches and stuff all over it.

Ink Drawings

Been suffering the winter-sick recently. I thought that being out of college would save me, but nope! Taking the time off from chronic book-making to do some free hand inking. It's sort of relaxing.

River concept for maybe integrating into a comics project, not sure at this point. Comics is now sort of the same as "book making" sooo yep.
Two dragons, top one is like a sky dragon thing. I guess.
It's like a peacock bird, man I'm bad at descriptions. Sheet of some natural things and a different type of bird next. Yep.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Having a holiday sale over on Paper Tapir! Fun times.

Had a great time at the MCBA Book Festival.
Working on some new concepts and doing mock ups.
Winter is here, sort of, though today the snow was melting today at 7pm so who knows!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Raptors Doodle Do

I drew this rooster during my shift at the bookstore for Ashby's new comic Raptors, written by Jeremy Zoss. It's fantastic, and did great at MIX this year as a preview.

Ashby's work is wonderful along side the writing of Jeremy. Their work melds into the slightly skewed world of a ptsd war vet as a really visually stunning and emotionally charged piece.

Looking forward to the rest! The cover of Raptors was done by my friend/co-awesome Caitlin Skaalrud, bonus art is the above and from Bart King!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Doing paper inventory soon, I've accumulated a lot of extra stuff and scrap that I can't personally use, but those who do paper craft of different sorts might be able to. Already lined up to send some out. It's mostly chiyogami, and other Japanese papers, I should get a few more large sheets of some different stuff soon. Gah.

MIX events start Friday!

Friday, October 28, 2011


This is the promo that I'm using for Ume at MIX. It's actually quite pink and it matches the tabs on my Tapir tags. I'm excited for the Facebook page too, and I really appreciate the support I'm getting! There are currently preview photos of MIX stuff on said Fbook page.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Spinny Rack!

Spinny rack for things came in today, I got two pretty cheap off of eBay. Black coated metal, so they're sort of...soft to the touch. Base is separate for better storage, has a coated ball to hold the spin part, no parts that can break or anything. Pleased.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Updating PT and Print!

Final print of the Gyeongbuk mini comic, it's available for sale over on the NEW Paper Tapir store, and will also be fore sale at MIX. I can't seem to win with colors online though...The paper color is a little darker on the image.

I've been doing some updates to Paper Tapir recently, slow going, but I'm happy with them. If there are any issues I hope to sort them out relatively quickly. Probably will forever stay with this strange blog format, even for the full PT site, because coding is a beast and I'm not hot on spending hours on it.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

So flipping excited about these stamps. The stamp set, and the ink pad were both $1 at Michaels. Worked really well for making little stand signs for MIX. Woo!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Cherry Blossom

Drew this a while back. Swirly goodness. Penciled and inked by hand, edited and colored in my outdated photoshop on my sad laptop. Aww yeah technology!


Minneapolis Indie Xpo is coming up! Join us for artsy stuff and general merriment. Also blog updates because I'm real good at those apparently...

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Shark Week

It's Shark Week on the Discovery Channel. I always seem to miss it though. Haven't updated anything recently, so here's this. It's also over on Ume! Which I have begun to update again, it's also gotten a facelift for Fresh!Ume comics over on tumblr!!

Monday, July 4, 2011


Tiny curb tree outside the Sheraton. I'll do a proper update later, was able to do a few crafty things this CONvergence, including some decoupage at Connie's Quantum Sandbox. It's over on PaperTapir if you want to see my temporary mediocre webcam shots of it.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

MIX comics

Cross posted over on Paper Tapir. These are for MIX this November. Yay!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Long time no post

Doodled this on the train from Seoul to Pusan last week. Currently sitting in the hotel overlooking the sea and bored enough to try and make a post on these blogs without a scanner and using the webcam. Probably not the best idea, in retrospect. Also. Edits in Preview! Those are always good! Will be moving pretty soon after I get back tomorrow, in the next week or so. There's that, and other things, and projects, and then suddenly conventions.

My header makes me think of "spongebob no pants", my deepest apologies for those of you who don't know me.

Also. To make it really official, been watching My Little Pony. Best. Ever. Just to make that clear. On the internet and all.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

That thing. You know the one.

Graduation. Today. Later.
There is going to be a continued lull, as I travel the world (read: not really) from the 14th to the 25/6th, then moving, then I might be able to start drawing again. Though I really haven't since senior project, except for figure class things. Whoops.

Then job. More classes somewhere. Spending my time at MCBA. Spending the rest of my time deciding when is appropriate to use Continuing Studies to go back and use the print shop... Yep. Possibly cats...

Monday, April 25, 2011

Senior Show

Update. Wall is going up. Ergh.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hands down.

Part of my final project for drawing. Bleeehhhh. Have to finish up a bunch. Avoidance...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Never Enough

Two recent book updates. I've been making changes on Paper Tapir, which can now be reached at, as well as it's old url of New things on the Etsy, also new banners and such. Ergh. Getting to the end of things.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Business cards!

Got new business cards~

Friday, March 25, 2011

Le Petit Livre

Tiny book! Details and pics over on Paper Tapir~

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Senior Project 3.0

This is an adorable baby tapir. That's all.

So, my senior project is really hard to actually show anyone in full, it's bulky, and if I wanted to show the whole thing, the images would be huge and annoying. Also, they aren't meant to be seen on a screen, they also aren't supposed to be really large. It's frustrating. Alas...
Anyways, more 'caps of what's been going on. I'm getting ready to test print...eek!

Senior Project Again

11 hours of backgrounds for senior project.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sketch for Japan

For those of you who don't know. Sketch for Japan is still taking requests for sketchbooks for relief funds for the people of Japan. Follow to PaperTapir for more information!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Character Mock

Mock up for the character placement for the Jillian/Nicholas book (1.1-.3). Backgrounds are being difficult, will post later. The thumbnail is reeeeaaalllly small, and the full image is rather long, so click it! Upsizing is not really needed unless you want to.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Senior Project

This is a weird case, this doesn't have the color versions of the characters laid in, but the background process is correct. More or less.


This was part of a larger image, but I liked this part. She's got some proportion issues, but it doesn't really bother me...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Nineteen + One

Some senior project progress. Will be adding in a drop background, sort of like Juniper. As characters interact more, their colors become more integrated.